Sharing your Saved Searches with other users within your organisation is a great way to make sure that everyone is using the same data and viewing the same reports. For large organisations with many Fleets Analyzer users, it’s quite easy to become overwhelmed with shared Saved Searches. In order to combat this “over sharing”, we’ve just added a new addition to the sharing options. In addition to sharing your Saved Searches with all the users within your organisation, you can now share with ‘specific people and/or groups’. Continue reading “”
Release Notes v10.10
On Wednesday 21 November we released the following enhancements:
- An update to how users select groups
Release Notes v10.9
On Wednesday 31 October we will be releasing the following enhancements:
- Fix to ‘Base Location’
- Improvements to the Messaging Widget on the homepage
- Additions to the ‘product walkthrough’ accessible via the Help link
- Improvements to Quick Profile Search and Quick Filter Search
Release Notes v10.8
On Wednesday 10 October we will be releasing the following enhancements:
- Updated homepage
- Relocated Exports
Release Notes v10.7
On Wednesday 12 September we will be releasing the following enhancements:
- Change to the rule that determines the Original Operator
- 400+ new terms added to the Glossary
- Name changes to the tabs in the Saved Search section
- OEM name changes
Expiring Exports
Starting from 1 September 2018, any exports older than 30 days will be removed from our servers and will no longer be available for download.
Why are you making this change?
The Export page (where your exports are available for download) was built because some large exports can take a few minutes to generate, so a page was required where these could be made available for download. No rule was put in place to remove these exports after the initial download, so over time we’ve accumulated a vast quantity of exports, some of which are very large in size. In order to reduce the burden on our infrastructure, we’ve taken the decision to remove any export that’s older than 30 days. This will start from 1 September. On that date, any export generated prior to 2 August will be deleted from our servers and will no longer available for download.
Do I need to do anything?
If you’ve been creating exports and for some reason have not downloaded them, then you should go to your Exports page and download all the ones that you wish to keep. You should do this before 1 September.
Release Notes v10.3
On Tuesday 10 July we will be releasing the following enhancements:
- A means for users to report incorrect data on company and aircraft profiles
- Removal of the LinkedIn column from the People tab in the Company section
- Change to the default order of columns on the Summary tab of the Aircraft section
- Increase in the Default number of rows in tables, from 20 to 100
- Find-a-filter search box always has cursor focus when landing on a search section
FlightGlobal IE11 Technical Advisory
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) is the last version of the Internet Explorer web browser from Microsoft. It was released in October 2013 and is being supported by Microsoft until the end of life of Windows 10.
When released in 2013, Internet Explorer was considered the fastest of contemporary web browsers. Now, it is the slowest by a significant margin. There are two main reasons for this: Continue reading “”
Updated Field Picker
The ‘Field Picker’ (used when selecting columns, groups, metrics etc.) has been updated to ensure that the full name of fields is always visible, and no longer truncated. The old Field Picker is shown below in Figure 1, with the updated version shown in Figure 2.

Participants filter
In November 2017, we introduced the Participants field to Flight Fleets Analyzer as an optional column on the Aircraft Detail page, and in the header of aircraft profile pages.
Definition: Participant in a financial transaction, such as a loan, mortgage, tax lease, etc. The role of each participant could include (but is not limited to) arranger, debt provider, equity provider, guarantor, etc
To help find aircraft associated with specific Participants, we recently introduced the Participants filter. The Participant role differs slightly from the other nine company roles (Owner, Operator, etc) in that there can be multiple participants associated with an aircraft at any single point in time. Selecting multiple companies within the Participants filter will return aircraft if they are associated with any of the Participants: for example, Participant 1 OR Participant 2. This is shown in the example in Figure 1. Continue reading “”