Preparing for TLS 1.2

What is TLS?

TLS stands for “Transport Layer Security”, the protocol that allows digital devices (such as computers and phones) to communicate over the internet securely without the transmission being vulnerable to an outside audience.

What’s changing?

As of 14 May 2018, Flight Fleets Analyzer, Flight Dashboard, and Flight Ascend Values Analyzer will no longer support TLS 1.0 and 1.1.

By 14 May 2018, all operating systems and browsers should use TLS 1.2 (or a later version) to ensure connection to Flight Fleets Analyzer, Flight Dashboard and Flight Ascend Values Analyzer without issues. The following lists show the version numbers of popular operating systems and browsers that have introduced TLS 1.2.

Compatible browsers:

  • Google Chrome: v38 (introduced in 2013)
  • Mozilla Firefox: v27 (introduced in 2013)
  • Internet Explorer: 11 (IE v8, 9, and 10 are compatible only when running Windows 7 or newer, not by default)
  • Apple Safari: 7 (introduced in 2013)
  • Microsoft Edge: all versions

Compatible operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows: Windows 8.1 (Windows 7 is compliant, but not by default)
  • OS X: 10.9

Do I need to do anything?

Given that TLS 1.2 was introduced to operating systems and browsers around five years ago, we do not expect this change to affect users. If you are using an incompatible operating system or browser, then we strongly recommend upgrading to one of those included in the lists above.