Search Example: Find leased aircraft from a Lessor

In this example, we are going to look for the aircraft currently leased from SMBC Aviation Capital, and then we’re going to see which aircraft types are in service with which operators, along with the contact information for those operators.

  1. Start on the Aircraft Section, Detail tab.
  2. In the Quick Filter Search (QFS) type “SMBC” and select SMBC Aviation Capital from the Manager category.
  3. In the QFS type “in service” and select in service from the Status category. You should see around 380 aircraft in the grid.
  4. Now select the Summary Tab and group by Operator and Aircraft Type. You should see around 140 rows in the grid.
  5. As you have filtered by in service aircraft only, it is worth customising the columns in the grid, I’d suggested including Total In Service, Age Range, and Average Age. Your screen should appear similar to that shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. SMBC leased aircraft, grouped by Operator and Type (click image to view full size).

Now click on the Operator column header and select Companies in this role (See Figure 2).

Figure 2. View all the companies in the Operator column (click image to view full screen).

You’ll then be taken to the Companies section where you’ll see all the relevant operators in the grid (see Figure 3).

Figure 3. All the Operators of SMBC’s leased aircraft (click image to view full size).

Now select the People Tab to see a list of all the people we have on record as working for those operators (Figure 4).

Figure 4. The 1611 people we have listed against the Operators who are leasing aircraft from SMBC Aviation Capital.. (click image to view full size).

You could filter this further by using the Company People filter and viewing only Chief Executive Officers, Engineering Managers etc.