Search Example: All-risk total losses to commercial aircraft over a 10-year period
In this example, we are going to review the number of accidents that are of all-risk (that is, not resulting from acts of war) and were total losses to commercial aircraft, for the ten ear period 01/01/2006 to 30/12/2015.
- Start in the Accidents section, Detail tab.
- Click on the ‘Add filter menu’ button.
- Go to the Date & Identification filter and selecte the date range for 01/01/2006 to 30/12/2015.
- Go to the Event Circumstances filter, select Accident Category as ‘All Risk’.
- Go to the Loss Type filter, select ‘Total Loss’ filter.
- Go to the Market Grouping At Accident filter, select ‘Commercial’ in Market Sector at Accident.
- Click Accept to run the search. Your screen will look like the image shown in Figure 1 below.