Release Notes v7.9
The following new features have been added in this release:
- Operator Delivery Date and Duration With Operator
- Operator IATA/ICAO codes
- Maintenance Contract filters
- Grouping by serial number, registration and FG ID
- New two column layout in the Quick Profile Search
- APU & Engine Capabilities filters added on the Companies section
- User interface changes
Operator Delivery Date and Duration With Operator
Duration With Operator gives the timespan in months since the Operator Delivery Date. For aircraft that have had multiple operators, this date will differ from the original delivery date.

Operator IATA/ICAO codes
Operator IATA and ICAO codes have been implemented in the following areas:
- In the Detail grid of the Aircraft section
- As a grouping option on Summary, Trend, and Projection tabs
- In the Summary section of aircraft profiles

Maintenance Contract filters
Two new maintenance filter groups have been added to the Add Filter menu.

Grouping by serial number, registration, and FG ID
Grouping by serial number, registration or FG ID and displaying metrics such as total/period hours or total/period cycles allows the user to recreate the Time-Series report as available in ACAS.

New two column layout in the Quick Profile Search
The Quick Profile Search (QPS) available on the homepage has always displayed both serial and registration numbers. But previously, this was a single column layout, so often any matching serial numbers were hidden at the bottom of the list. We’ve now changed this to a two-column layout.

APU & Engine Capabilities filters added in the Companies section
On the Company section, we’ve added two new filter groups which allow you to filter MRO companies based upon their APU and engine capabilities.

User interface changes
The navigation bar has been updated to include the link to saved searches (previously available from the title bar of individual search pages). It’s now easy to access your saved searches from anywhere within Flight Fleets Analyzer.