Release Notes v8.15
Features added and bugs fixed in this release:
- Aircraft family
- Operator Groups
- Serial Number data in export incorrectly formatted
Aircraft Family
In this release, we have added another level to the aircraft hierarchy, i.e. Aircraft Family. This sits between Manufacturer and Type. You will find Aircraft Family wherever the aircraft hierarchy is available e.g. columns, filters, groups etc.

Operator Groups
The Operator Group filter and fields have been available in Fleets Analyzer since launch, but the field has not been well populated, in this release we have addressed this issue. Filtering by Operator Group in the Aircraft section will return all aircraft operated by Operators that are part of the group. Note, this is true for current and future operator/operator group relationships, but has not been updated historically.

Serial number in export incorrectly formatted
We had a bug in the exported Excel data where the Serial Number column was being incorrectly formatted by Excel as a number, this was corrected in a previous release, but the fix caused further issues. In this release, the formatting of the column has been set to “general” to match the export format used in Ascend Fleets. For a more detailed explanation of this issue please read the MSN formatting in Excel article.