Release Notes v7.12
The following new features have been added in this release:
- Line charts on Trend
- Speed improvements
Line charts on Trend
I’m very pleased to announce that v1 of charts is now available on the Trend tabs.
Given that there are around 140 parameters available to trend, all of which can vary widely in their range of values, we’ve decided initially to only allow the user to compare the same parameter from across multiple groups on a single chart: for example, total in-service aircraft across various operators, or average cumulative hours across various aircraft types, etc. We’ve also had to limit the number of groups, so if you have a Trend table with 5,000 rows (each row is a single group), then you’re only going to see the first 10 rows on the Trend chart. We hope to add the ability to chart two different parameters: for example, In-service & On-order plus Hours & Cycles. As part of the next release, line charts will be added to the Projection tab.
We are currently displaying all parameters as line charts. In future, the chart type used will depend upon the type of parameter to be charted, as follows:
- Where a value is related to the previous and next values (for example, total cumulative hours), then a line chart will be used.
- Where a value is not related to the previous and next values (for example, delivery events), a bar chart will be used.

Speed improvements
The development team have been busy working to reduce the search query time in Flight Fleets Analyzer. In the previous release we halved the time taken to display an aircraft profile page, and in this release we are pleased to announce that on average, search queries are now returned in half the time. In other words, Flight Fleets Analyzer is now twice as fast!
In subsequent releases, we will bring further speed improvement to Flight Fleets Analyzer.