Release Notes v7.10
The following new features have been added in this release:
- Operator IATA/ICAO filters
- Help text in the Age & Identification filter
- Summary chart changes
Operator IATA/ICAO filters
As part of the previous release, we introduced columns for the Operator IATA and Operator ICAO codes. In this release, we’ve added the associated filters. These are available from both the Add Filter menu and the Quick Filter Select (QFS). In the past, the QFS required at least three characters to start a filter search, but because IATA codes are now available in the QFS the number of required characters has been reduced to two.

Help text in the Age & Identification filter
The ability to filter down to a specific group of aircraft using registration/serial/line/FG IDs has always been available in Flight Fleets Analyzer. This is a useful feature as it allows a user to save a search based around a specific set of aircraft which might not be filterable using the more traditional filters. Although it has always been available, there have been questions on the format of the filter entries. To help with this, we’ve added help text within the filter entry boxes to let users know that multiple entries should be separated by commas.

Summary chart changes
A small change has been made to the chart available on the Summary tabs. The old version of the chart displayed the top 10 values. It has been changed to the display the top 20.