Airline & Lessor Profiles: A new homepage
Since we launched Profiles, the landing page has been the fleet tab for American Airlines. This is great if you’re really interested in American Airlines, but it’s far from ideal for everybody else. I’m therefore pleased to announce the release of a new homepage for Profiles.

From this homepage you can:
- Search for an individual airline or lessor via the find-as-you-type search box
- View a list of the most recent airlines with a status of “start-up”
- View the world’s airlines ranked by fleet size (in service and stored)
- View the world’s lessors ranked by fleet size (in service and stored)
There are also filters for company type, company status, and company region, these will allow you to refine your list of airlines or lessors. All applied filters and the table sort column are stored in the URL, so you can bookmark your search and easily access it again in future, or share with your colleagues.
What’s next for the homepage?
As usual, we’ll be listening to user feedback. We’ve already discovered some performance improvements we can make that will decrease the load time of the results table, and we’ll be adding a dedicated home button (the Cirium logo currently acts as the home button) and we hope to release those during the coming weeks.